Lack of clean water such as dirt, flies, mosquitoes and drinking water. (The Main Cause of Food Poisoning) This is the leading cause of diseases such as cholera, typhoid, and food poisoning. The disease is caused by bacteria. Experts say that regular consumption of coriander seeds and leaves can protect against this disease because the leaves and coriander seeds are full of anti-bacterial properties. Is Food Healthy? What is a Diet?

Food Poisoning Symptoms:

The symptoms of food poisoning differ from the source of the contamination. A large number of types of food poisoning cause one or more of the following signs and symptoms:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Watery or bloody diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain and cramps
  • Fever

Food Poisoning Treatment:

Treatment of food poisoning usually depends on the source of the disease, if it is known and the severity of the symptoms. For most people, the disease cannot be resolved in a few days, although some types of food poisoning can last a long time.

Food poisoning treatment may include:

Replacement of lost fluids. Fluids and electrolytes (minerals such as sodium, potassium, and calcium that balance fluids in the body) should be replaced with permanent diarrhea. Some children and adults with persistent diarrhea or vomiting may need to enter hypertension, where they are able to obtain salts and fluids through veins to prevent or treat dehydration.

Antibiotics Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics if you have some type of bacterial food poisoning and  Food poisoning due to Listeria should be treated with intravenous antibiotics during hospitalization. The sooner the treatment starts, the better. During pregnancy, immediate antibiotic treatment can help prevent infection from infecting the baby.

Food Poisoning How To Treat:

  • Several episodes of inability to follow fluids and fluids
  • Vomiting with blood or feces
  • Diarrhea for more than three days.
  • Severe pain or severe abdominal pain.
  • Mouth temperature higher than 100.4 F (38 C)
  • Signs or symptoms of dehydration. Excessive thirst, dryness, mild mouth or urine, severe weakness, dizziness or mild headache.
  • Neurological symptoms such as blurred vision, muscle weakness and inclination in the arm.

Food Poisoning Signs:

If you get sick after eating contaminated food, it depends on your biology, amount of exposure, age and health. High -risk groups include:

  • As adults get older, their immune systems are unable to respond to the affected organisms as quickly and effectively as they did when they were young.
  • During pregnancy, changes in metabolism and blood circulation can increase the risk of food poisoning during pregnancy. Your reactions during pregnancy may be more serious. Sometimes, your child may also get sick.
  • Newborns and toddlers. Your immune system is not yet fully developed.
  • People with chronic diseases. condition, such as diabetes, liver disease or AIDS, or receiving chemotherapy or radiation therapy for cancer reduces your immune response.

Get rid of nail acne:

Having a chronic conditions Such as Diabetes, liver disease, or AIDS, or receiving chemotherapy

Remove the wrinkles:

Coriander leaves are rich in vitamin A, which fights harmful radicals circulating in the body, helping to prevent the effects of aging such as wrinkles or irritation.
For this purpose make coriander leaf paste and mix aloe vera gel in it, let the pasta remain on the face for fifteen minutes. Acne seeds are also useful in many diseases.

Improving digestion:

Coriander seeds should be part of their diet if they suffer from gastrointestinal disorders such as gastrointestinal disorders. Coriander seeds improve its performance by improving digestion.
To improve digestion, soak coriander seeds daily in water and use salted mouthwash in the morning.